Iced Earth/The Crucible Of Man: Something Wicked Part 2 .CD
While the 1998 album provided a general overview of the story, Schaffer has been conceptualizing for well over a decade. The saga is being fully brought to life with the release of the back-to-back conceptual albums "Framing Armageddon" and "The Crucible of Man." While both albums provide answers to mysteries the previous releases would create, the timeliness of the story in today's world is guaranteed to keep people thinking and guessing. Schaffer's ability to convey the central themes and events of the story without always revealing exactly "why" characters' decisions are made and "how" events come to pass, will keep fans of the saga coming back as future mediums for the "Something Wicked" storyline are revealed. "The Crucible of Man" is the culmination of the storyline. The absolute pinnacle of the American Metal Powerhouse's career, and happily – the full-length return of singer Matt Barlow.
(Cd's, album cover graphics and soundbites at - http://www.artist-shop.com/news.htm )
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