Taking the speed of mid 70’s classic lineups such as Judas Priest, Motorhead, Saxon and Tank, hints of what it was called The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal and the movement’s Iron Maiden, Samson and also the more unknown and rough “almost Punk” power of underground sounds from Bands like; Diamond Head, Angel Witch and Tygers of Pang Tang (only to name a few). The Bay Area Movement had exploded with Metallica, Slayer, and Anthrax, curiously enough Metallica and Anthrax were musicians coming from a different place in the USA and not from San Francisco, place where the style took its name from and rose to their heyday.
In Chile a few thousand miles away South of San Francisco, Thrash Metal had also a significant and productive development in the hands of Bands like: Chronos, Pentagram, Necrosis, Dorso, Massacre, Tractor, Destroyer, Rust and a few others. Amazingly enough it was this Country’s own and unique Musicians whom will motivate other South American bands to continue the North American legacy.
Few of this Bands and musicians in and out and with or without their outfits mentioned, have survived the test of time, almost as if they knew that such movement would be gone underground for many years only to resurface massively slowly regaining importance and their inheritance in later days.
Thrash Metal Music is known for its complexity and more than a few words worshiping Demons, the power it has in crossing continents and cultural barriers. The fact that a few classic groups from Europe recognize the immense influence that Chilean Thrashers Pentagram had on their Music is not a mere coincidence and its been immortalized by the recent “Tour” this dudes from Santiago Capital City of Chile had just finished during July 2009.
Here’s an Interview I just did with my old friend-pal Drummer Virtuoso Eduardo (Ed) Topelberg, percussionist for both Chronos, which have just recently regrouped and are expecting to enter the studio near the end of 2009 and also Pentagram, whom have just Toured Europe ending with a stop at the Mighty “Wacken” Open Air Music Festival in Germany.

MEP: -Pentagram’s reunion it’s just not recent, when did it happen and How was conceived?
ED T: Pentagram was formed in 1985 and disbanded in 1989, then we re united in 2001, for just one show with the recording of a Live DVD and a CD, later on again in June 2009 for a Chilean and European Tour.
MEP: -Nice to see you back Playing Metal Music (Although you never quited), do you consider yourself a versatile Musician?
ED T: I Have Always played “Metal Music”, in fact In January of 2009 we putted a new record out with Chronos, we are back together and performing a lot, besides the Drums I’m singing and Yes I’m a very versatile Musician, I love playing several styles, but “Metal” is what fulfills my soul on every sense.
MEP: -How do you see the “Thrash Metal Music Movement” come back of Bands Like Death Angel, Cynic, Atheist, and so on (too many good ones to name)?
ED T: Wonderful, if there’s something that it was some how finished and it was meant to come back for good then welcome back!

MEP: -You are one of the Greatest Drummers there is Chile, as a Musician do you think times have changed and today there is better support, or it’s just a matter of Talent to be able to surge?
ED T: Thanks to the Internet and its development, with out a doubt is easier, but at the same time there’s a lot of competition, because with more necessity and opportunities, more professionals are created now, with out talent then nothing exists!
MEP: -How was Pentagram’s tour over Europe, any experiences from Wacken Open Air Germany?
ED T: Uuuff!!!!, I could write a book, I can only say it was one of the most marvelous experiences in my life, and I have to mention how good vibes the people we met had for us, the incredible audiences and overall, such great respect there is in Europe for the Musicians, that would never happen here in Chile!
MEP: -How is Chronos currently doing? How does it feel to be playing again on a pioneer Band of the Chilean Movement, How did the re union happened and When?
ED T: Well, in March of 2008, Jose Ihnen (Bass Player and Vocalist In Chronos) uploaded some Footage with Chronos from a gathering I came up with which was called Professors Meeting in Batuta’s Pub. On it I congregated mostly all the people I had played with in the Past, then Claudio Martinez (Guitarist for Chronos) got motivated to get back together once again. This way Chronos goes back in the studio to re record all classic tracks plus three new ones in September same year.
It was released commencing the year 2009 with loads of success.
It’s great to be together again, also as I said to you before, I’m liking been a Singer very much, and so it is like with Chronos, I’m so F…ckin’ happy!

MEP: -Good luck with the upcoming classic performance with Dorso and Cria Slavaje(the concert took place beginning the month of August and was a complete success), both Pioneering Rock Bands of Progressive Death Metal and Hard Rock styles respectively, such Concert too, commemorates another timeless presentation happened some 20 years ago? Maybe? There will be surprises? Perhaps one song with Rodrigo Cuadra and his Dorso dudes? (Ed Topelberg played with Dorso and recorded their immortal album Romance in 1991).
ED T: Ha Ha Ha….it would be awesome, but remember that I just came back from Europe (touring with Pentagram), so there isn’t time left for rehearsals, but it will be a great gig, also birthday Party celebration for three of us, Me Rodrigo (Dorso) and José (Chronos).
MEP: -Are you expecting to be recording something new with these Bands Pentagram or Chronos?, maybe some other Projects?
ED T: Yes, towards the end of the Year we’d like to record another new album with Chronos and some new material, with Pentagram… we’ll see and nevertheless I’m working on a very special and new Project called “Ogro”, but that’s a surprise!

MEP: -Most memorable moments in you career as a Musician?
ED T : Touring Europe with Pentagram and been a Singer with Chronos, I like singing Metal a lot
MEP: -Bands in which you have played?
MEP: -Do you stay on “Top” form practicing on your Instrument, or it’s not necessary anymore?
ED T: To tell you the truth I never play alone, I rehearse once or twice a week, what keeps me in shape is the “gym” and F..cking all the Chicks I could….hahaha, I’m not joking.
MEP: -Eduardo my Brother, thanks a lot and good luck with everything!

Instrument and Brand of Preference:
Favorite Musician: NEIL PEART
Five best albums or Bands of all time (Metal/Rock):
Five best albums or Bands of all time (other styles):
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Actor/Actress:
Favorite Food (dish):
Sea Food, lentils .
Favorite Drink: JACK DANIELS.
Interview and foreword by Rodrigo Trupp exclusively for Música En Progreso
Pictures courtesy of Facebook
Chronos Batuta by Claudio Martinez, Javier Valenzuela
Pentagram over Europe by Eduardo Topelberg
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Very nice and intrestingss story.
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